Osier F/Nat Rev Immunol
1 results

The global response to the COVID-19 pandemic: how have immunology societies contributed?.Osier F, Ting JPY, Fraser J, Lambrecht BN, Romano M, Gazzinelli RT, Bortoluci KR, Zamboni DS, Akbar AN, Evans J, Brown DE, Patel KD, Wu Y, Perez AB, Perez O, Kamradt T, Falk C, Barda-Saad M, Ariel A, Santoni A, Annunziato F, Cassatella MA, Kiyono H, Chereshnev V, Dieye A, Mbow M, Mbengue B, Niang MDS, Suchard M
Nat Rev Immunol, (2020). 20:594-602